News, Workshop

Marketing & social media internship

Here at Wonky Woolies you may know we make hats, lots of hats!  However, there are many aspects to the business which tick along nicely which you may not instantly consider.  As we are an online company, it is really important that our website is kept looking prim and our social media is continuously updated with all of the varied and exciting things happening within the team.  In August last year we advertised the position of a marketing and social media intern and held interviews to find an enthusiastic and engaging person to come on board and work with us on a short term basis.  We were really lucky to find the lovely Sarah Laird who came into the office one day a week to learn from us as well as applying her skills to our business model.  Sarah was very involved with the development of content on our website and promoting our vintage sale, it was a real pleasure to work with her.  Sarah has taken the time to write a short review of her time aboard team Wonky, read all about it below:

Sarah Laird

In August 2014 I embarked on an internship with Wonky Woolies. My role included helping out with marketing and the preparations for the new website. It is now October- the end of my journey with the Wonky clan – and time to reflect.

When I first saw the intern position advertised I was instantly interested. I had recently graduated and was looking forward to applying the skills I had learned in university to work with the company. I ended up learning a lot more in the process than I could have imagined.

From the first week at Wonky Woolies HQ I was given the opportunity to learn new skills. On day one I took product photographs and prepared the items to be showcased on the Vintage Wonky Sale on Folksy. Over the next few weeks I was responsible for composing product descriptions for these items and uploading them to Folksy. On a weekly basis, part of my role was to promote the sale on social media. This was something new for me as I had no prior experience of using social media to promote a business. I was shown how to use social media to engage customers and took on the responsibility of promoting the sale on Facebook, Twitter, Kiltr and Pinterest.

Through the course of the internship I was continuously using what I had previously learned from the weeks before. Once all the items for the sale were uploaded, I was given the task of creating product descriptions for some of the hats which are going to be featured on the website! This was my favourite part as it allowed me to use my imagination to produce different summaries for each hat.

Overall I have had an interesting and fun experience as the Marketing Intern at Wonky Woolies. Thank you!